Woden Community Hub Feasibility + Design Study
AMC was appointed by the ACT Government in 2016 to develop a feasibility options study for a new Community Hub in Woden. The Woden Community Hub (WCH) study proposes to provide co-located accommodation for three primary uses: a Community Centre, a Seniors Centre, and a Child Care Centre and other secondary uses and facilities into a multi-use community facility in an under-utilised part of Woden. AMC was tasked with investigating both the refurbishment, adaptive reuse and further development of the heritage listed Callam Offices and surrounding precinct and the adaptive re-use of an existing commercial office building in the Woden Town Centre. Following an assessment of previous planning studies relating to the two facilities, several site inspections and engagement with key stakeholders, AMC developed a range of design concepts for the WCH. This feasibility and design study demonstrated that the regeneration of an existing unused place of significant heritage and cultural value, and the creation of a ‘community heart’ style precinct are an inherently good use of the Callam Offices, and an opportunity to present the precinct as an exemplar in adaptive re-use in the ACT, nationally and internationally.
Client |
ACT Government |
Location |
Phillip |
Sector |
Masterplanning, Health & Community |
Year |
2016 |
Status |
Complete |
Area |
28,000m2 |
Cost |
$23.0M |